By the time you get to read this I will be at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, where I will be presenting a paper on Ethic, Roles and Relationships in Interaction design in developing regions
As you can imagine , this is very exciting for me but a great opportunity for me to share my experience and knowledge on a much large platform.
At the centre of this two day workshop, is the need to examine the ethical issues, that may affect the ability to build strong relationships, and design sustainable programmes for the developing region.
My paper will examine issues that NGOs, charities need to bear in mind when designing programmes for the developing regions.
My central message is, before you get started, take time out to understand the needs of the people ( beneficiaries) they are best placed to understand their needs. Be mindful that policies that have worked elsewhere may not necessarily work in your chosen location.
The local chieves, the community at large are important and include them at the outset otherwise you may end up wasting your time and money and worse still maybe denied permision to operate in the area.
What if you build a facility that the lcoals will not use because you failed to consult them, and gave the facility the wrong name? this was the case of someone that called a community centre a lodge, when according to the local community a lodge is a place people go to have sex outside of marriage! Could this have been avoided? Of course, only the people behind th project did not speak to community!
I will keep you psoted on my progress